Qingzi Fan is a NYC based independent filmmaker. She was born in a small city of China and raised in Shanghai. After getting her M.A. in documentary filmmaking at NYU, she continues producing documentaries on important social and cultural issues. Her short “Dancing On Wheels", featuring a paraplegic dancer Kitty Lunn, was officially selected in the 9th Annual ReelAbilities Film Festival and is screening on National Geographic video channel. Her thesis film “One Way Home” about Tibetan cultural assimilation in China is an official selection of 2017 HollyShorts, 2017 DocUtah and 2017 St. Louis International Film Festival. The film was also named a 60th CINE Golden Eagle Finalist for Student Documentary and won the 44th Student Academy Award.
范清子导演毕业于复旦大学中文系,在获得纽约大学的纪录片硕士学位后,她定居纽约并创立了自己的个人纪录片工作室。她的作品《轮椅上的舞蹈》是一个关于纽约上西区一名残疾舞者自强不息,倾其一生于残疾人舞蹈教育的故事。该片入围第9届 ReelAbilities 北美电影节, 华盛顿DC短片电影节, 并且入选国家地理北美人物组纪录片 National Geographic. 《回家的路》是她的另一部纪录片,影片关注了藏族孩子在中国内地接受汉语教育后逐渐遗失了自己的民族语言和文化的问题。《回家的路》获得第44届学生奥斯卡最佳纪录片铜奖,入围HollyShorts 2017, 圣路易斯国际电影节,Free Spirit电影节, DOCNYC电影节,入选第60届 CINE Golden Eagle最佳学生纪录片决赛,成为亚洲研究中心 Asian Society Chinafile 专题报道的纪录片,并为范清子导演摘得2017年DocUtah最佳新人导演的殊荣。
For freelance, please contact aprilqingzi@gmail.com